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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Flowers And The Benefits

In addition to recognizing the form of physical and fragrance, we also need to recognize the savor of flowers from around us. In the sense, flowers not only useful as decoration, but it can also affect our health, as already said by Proff. Hembing, and we will tell to you the savor and the benefits of flowers for our health, yups, lets check it out!.

Kenanga, Red Turi, etc are nutritious medicine :

Kenanga flowers and friends can be used for some of the following treatment.

Insect bitten. Prescription: 2 pcs kenanga flower, 1 pcs rose, 10 pcs jasmine, grinding and blend with 1 tea spoon of coconut oil, then placed on the injured former bites.

Mange (Scabies). Prescription; 50 grams of kenanga flowers washed, grinding fine. Add 20 cc palm oil or virgin olive oil, heat briefly. After cold, give oil in to desease skin patient.

Fever. Prescription; 5 pcs kenanga flower, 5 pcs red turi flower, turmeric, kaemferia galanga/lesser galangale, 10 gram each of curcuma aeruginosa roxb, 25 grams of acid. Overall grinding/mashed fine. Add a little salt and water, and give to whole on the back or stomach as a poultice. Do it twice a day.

Overcoming fidget; 15 grams of flowers kenanga and 30 gram kim cim (can be purchased in supermarket) boiled with 600 cc water, remaining until 300 cc, drunk while kim cim can be eaten.

To prevent and overcome the body odor; 15 grams of kenanga flowers and sugar stone as enough, boiled with 600 cc of water until it become 300 cc, filtered. Then drink the water. Do regularly.

Flour Albus/Leukore; 30 gr kenanga's flower and 30 grams of dried pomegranate skin boiled with water up to 600 cc until become 300 cc left. After cold, filtered, and drink the water. Perform regular 2 - 3 times a day.

Cystitis/Urinary Tract Infection ; 20 gr kenanga's flower, 30 grams of fresh cat's whiskers leaves. 30 grams fresh Sambiloto/stevia, and 30 grams of fresh moringa oleifera. Washed and boiled with 1 liter of water until the remaining 500 cc, and water to be drunk twice a day. Do regularly.

Headache ; 15 gr kenanga's flower and 15 grams of ginger - sliced, boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, drunk while warm water.

Coughing (tussis); 15 gam kenanga's flowers, 15 grams of mandarin orange peel, 10 grams pahap / lili flower tuber dry (can be purchased at the Chinese drug store). Boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 250 cc. drink while the water warm. Do regularly.

Malaria/Fever ; 3 pcs kenanga's flower dry, pour with 200 cc boiling water and close the meeting. After a rather cold, filtered, then drink. Do regularly.

Shortness of breath (asthma); 15-30 grams kenanga flowers boiled with 200 cc of water until become 100 cc. Add 1.5 tsp sugar, filtered and then drink. Do it twice a day. Or try other recipes; 15 grams kenanga's flower and 15 grams dry skin melon, boiled with 400 cc of water until become 200 cc. after cold, filtered and drink the water.

bronchitis ; 10 - 15 gr kenanga's flower and 10 grams pahap / tubers dry lyli flower. Boiled with 300 cc of water until it become 150 cc, filtered and then drunk warm. Do it twice a day.

In addition to property that is on the top, we will also tell about the benefits of other kenanga's flower. Not only kenanga, but also other flowers, come on guys ...

Kenanga, Jusmine and kantil

If in the era before the flowers are often used by members of palace even until now. In the ritual part of the Java community, kenanga with jasmine, roses and cempaka who soaked with water from 7 wells or as "setaman flowers water" is used to bathe the bride during the ceremony splash of water.

In generally, kenanga, jasmine and kantil has a few benefit such as ;

* Used for showering to make skin and face soft and olivaceous (original colors of the Indonesian people).
* Used for hair creambath. For the women who covet beautiful hair, these flowers can be used to help enrich and black hair with a flower kenanga mixed with the leaves and pandan leaves and cup leaves boiled with coconut oil.
* Can also be used for aromatherapy as the aroma can make your feeling calm, happy, feeling of panic, anxiety and even anger will lost.
* This flowers extract have effect as balancer, in other words, can be used for this type of dry and oily skin.
* An oil astirin womb for a good mix of perfume, body lotion, and deodorant.

Rosella / Hibiscus Sabdariffa / Karkade

I never see the type of flower this one. This flower is maroon colored red and light comes from the Persian state. Consumed with served as a tea. And the tea comes from the flower has a red color after pour with warm water.

Following benefits that can be taken from this plant flowers;

* Able to control the type of mild hypertension.
* As an antiseptic and antibakteri
* Supporting the rejuvenation of organs and intimate women's health
When consumed regularly, it is able to control the incidence of heart disease failed

Journal of Ethnopharmacology that 12 days after consuming the tea, the 31 patients may experience a decrease in blood pressure up to 11.2% for the pressure sistolik (normal 120) and 10.7% for diastolic pressure (normally 80). In other words consume tea that came from rosella flowers are able to lower the blood pressure back to normal for less than 2 weeks.

Dry pour Rosella flowers have the same effectiveness with Captropil, the drugs commonly used for hypertension and heart failure.

Roses / Rose

Interest that one has a magical to defeat woman's heart, and not only that. The pragrance of rose can improve memory brain activity in other words as aromatherapy.

From the results of the research Lubec University in Germany, fragrance rose can increase memory brain activity when someone sleeping.

Denis Rowley in Aromatherapy, Recipes and Remendies to Enhance Your Life if the 30 ml to produce rose oil required 60 thousand rose leaf.

Sun Flowers ( Helianthus Annuus )

Interest that one has a physical form which is quite large with a light color. this flower oil contains omega fatty acid - 6 as acid linoleat which important to prevent dry and imflamation skin, is also vital for the formation of prostaglandin, which is horman keep the cells - the cells in the body to function properly. Sunflower is also planted in front of the house will make a house into a much more beautiful when seen as a large amount of physical make everyone feel happy.

Purple orchids, Lily, Chrysanthemum and Lotus

All the interest - it's feasible for you to plant around your home because it has a great positive energy. The flowers are able to balance the unstable conditions. In addition, this flowers has a shape and beautifull colours looking, we can reduce the stress level in the brain and gives you a comfortable relaxation.

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